I decided to pick up the violin in my 30s. I have no previous experience with music or instruments, so I knew it’d be a steep learning curve. Currently: I suck to anyone with ears. But watching myself improve ever-so-slightly, week after week, for the last 3 months...
We have a tendency to wait until we’re “ready”. Wait until we’re a better writer. Wait until we’re a better speaker. Wait until we have more experience leading. Wait until we know more. We often wait because we feel we lack the knowledge or skills – we’re not...
Have you ever thought something was obvious, only to learn others don’t see it that way? I have 🙃. Our personal experiences shape our point of view. Similarly, others’ personal experiences shape their point of view. When we look at things this way, it’s easy to...
The term “limiting beliefs” gets tossed around a lot, but I’d say that’s by and large because many of us have adopted beliefs that limit us. However, limiting beliefs are not always the culprits keeping us from creating what we truly want. I’ve had conversations with...
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