The term “limiting beliefs” gets tossed around a lot, but I’d say that’s by and large because many of us have adopted beliefs that limit us.
However, limiting beliefs are not always the culprits keeping us from creating what we truly want.
I’ve had conversations with clients who believe they are capable, who believe they can play bigger, and who are confident in who they are and their abilities.
And yet…
They find clever ways to play it safe or keep themselves small.
Maybe you can relate? I know I can.
So what’s that about? Well…
Limiting habits
Perhaps it’s not about a limiting belief at all. Perhaps it’s about a limiting habit.
Humans are often creatures of habit and habits can be hard to change.
Perhaps you’ve done the work to shift your “limiting beliefs”, but the habit of playing small remains. Perhaps it’s a way of being you’re used to.
If this feels true for you, let me ask you this:
Have you kicked old habits or created new habits before?
I’m pretty confident in assuming you have, so what might you apply from what you did then to now?
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