You know the saying, “the grass is always greener on the other side”?
It’s human to fantasize about how much “better” things must be for someone else in some other place with different circumstances. We’ve all done this.
I’ve seen this fantasy manifest in its own particular way with founders.
“They (other company) always execute so well”
“They’re so strategic compared to our firefighting”
“Executing their product roadmap must be a breeze with their resources”
“They’re better at hiring”
“They must run a much tighter ship than us”
I’ve got more examples 😅, but you get the gist.
We make up stories about what it must be like on the other side when most of the time we haven’t the slightest clue.
We see a sliver of the truth – a sliver of their reality – and make meaning of it by creating stories.
We imagine utopias, but utopias don’t exist.
Remind yourself of this next time you start creating stories.
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